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The Young Greens - Óige Ghlas are the youth wing of the Green Party - Comhaontas Glas, for any resident of Ireland aged 16-30 who supports social justice, sustainability, grassroots democracy, and peace. If you would like to become a member of the Young Greens - Óige Ghlas, please submit your details below (and confirm your email address by confirmation email).
It is free to join the Young Greens - Óige Ghlas. Joining our organisation will entitle you attend our events, get involved in our campaigns and advocacy, vote in our internal affairs and elections.
While the Young Greens - Óige Ghlas is the youth wing of the Green Party - Comhaontas Glas, joining our organisation does not confer membership of the Green Party - Comhaontas Glas.
If you do wish to join the Green Party - Comhaontas Glas, click here.
The Young Greens will not give your data to a 3rd party for any reason without the explicit consent of the user involved. Your privacy is paramount to us, as a consequence the Young Greens have made every effort to ensure your data is stored accurately and safely.