Our Mission
The Young Greens - Óige Ghlas believes in social and economic justice for all as well as environmental sustainability for the future. As a youth branch we also prioritize issues that effect young people disproportionately including education, housing, drug use, and reproductive rights.
We work as a small part of a wider Green movement. We collaborate with colleagues in the Irish Green Party, The Federation of Young European Greens (pictured above), the European Green Party, the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, the Global Greens and many more. We couldn’t even name the numbers of NGOs and civil society groups we have worked with over the years and continue to work with today.
“Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.”
What We're Involved In
The Young Greens are heavily involved in activism based activities such as protests, marches, urban renewal and voter registration. Since the pandemic drove us all online for extended periods of time, we have gotten a bit more into online activism through online petitions, email campaigns, zoom webinars, digital organising and social media campaigning.
Policy Development
The Green Party relies predominately on its members to create and direct policy. Some policies that the Young Greens have been involved with forming include:
Reproductive Rights
Sensible Drug Policy
LGBTQI+ Rights
Banning conversion therapy
The Young Greens is an entirely voluntary organisation and as such fundraising is quite important. We host a variety of events in order to support ourselves in our goals.
Where you fit in?
Our members have a wide variety of interests and expertise which allow us to do what we do. You don't have to be interested in everything or participate in everything but if you anything has caught your eye, get in touch with us. If you have ideas or opportunities you would like to share with us, you can drop us an email on: info@younggreens.ie