AGM of the Rural Young Greens - Óige Ghlas na Tuaithe
The inaugural AGM of the Rural Young Greens - Óige Ghlas na Tuaithe which will be taking place on Wednesday 6th May at 8pm via Google Hangouts. Please fill out the form below to register for the event.
Once you have registered, you will receive the agenda, the proposed constitution and hangouts link. If you have an interest in getting involved with the Rural Young Greens or running for committee, do come along! Here is the link to the Rural Young Greens Facebook group.
There has never been a more crucial time for rural Ireland to have a strong, clear voice in politics. Carbon emissions are rising, cities are sprawling and rural Ireland is being left behind by the nation’s politicians. Young people are leaving our towns and villages in droves. The lack of broadband remains a widespread issue, meaning that people are unable to work from home. They often commute long distances to work in large urban centres far from their homes. The lack of public transport is still a huge issue in most of the country.
Our farmers, the backbone of our nation, struggle to make a living while big corporations make huge profits. Rural suicide rates are skyrocketing and we continue to have shoddy access to essential services, with hospitals being located many miles from our homes. Rural Ireland and rural youth need a voice. Join us to be that voice as we move towards a greener, brighter future.