Young Greens motion on affordable Purpose Built Student Accommodation passes at National Policy Council

A Young Greens motion to ensure monthly rent for Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) is no more than 30% of the full-time monthly minimum wage has passed at Green Party Policy Council. This motion applies to both privately-owned and university-owned Purpose Built Student Accommodation and states that the rent should be indexed to the minimum wage. €572.90 per month represents 30% of the monthly earnings of a full-time minimum wage worker. 

Access to affordable accommodation is a fundamental prerequisite for students pursuing higher education. Unaffordable rents not only deter young people from enrolling in universities and colleges but also push them into precarious financial situations. At a time when 11,189 students are in rent or fee debt to their institutions and 88% of students worry about finances it is imperative that we address this issue to ensure equal educational opportunities for all.