Statement by Óige Ghlas on Asylum Seeker Accomodation

Óige Ghlas wish to express their collective disappointment at the lack of a whole-of-government approach to the refugee crisis in Ireland. The removal of International Protection Amplicants from Mount Street in Dublin today, March 16th is evidence of a wholly inadequate strategy that is putting vulnerable people at risk.

The number of refugees seeking safety in Ireland has been steadily increasing over the last few years but it has not been sufficiently prioritised by the government, with various departments and ministers seeming to not want to be associated with the issue at all.

As of January 2023 cabinet has 10 committees, including one dedicated to the humanitarian response to Ukraine. We believe a new committee needs to be established to deal with the refugee crisis in Ireland and our lack of a humanitarian response.

We are also calling for:

  • The Department of Justice to hasten the processing of IP applications and tto take action on the rising violence and intimidation against asylum seekers in Ireland. including arson, vandalism, and racial abuse;

  • The Department of Media and Coimisiún na Meán to take immediate action to combat the spread of hate and misinformation online;

  • The Department of Housing to work on refurbishing state owned properties for use in accommodating asylum seekers;

  • The Department of Social Protection to provide greater supports to communities hosting asylum seekers and adequate resources to asylum seekers.

  • The Department of Integration and Dublin City Council to explain the circumstances around Mount Street including why better facilities were not made available to those camping there while they sought other accommodation.